Ideas For A Fun Day At The Lake

3 minutes

Summer is right around the corner, and with things heating up there will certainly be a lot of boaters headed to the lake for some fun. Families will be pulling boats out of the garage, dusting off life vests, and marking their calendars in preparation for their trips to the lake.

Family in Boat

And why shouldn’t you? Everyone needs to mix things up once in a while and have a change of pace. The lake is perfect for both those looking for adventure and those in need of a little relaxation.

While the lake is a great place for clean wholesome recreation with friends or family, there are a few things that can really make or break your day. Here are a few ideas to make sure that you have a fun day at the lake:

  • Bring Sunscreen- Forgetting sunscreen may seem like no big deal at the start of the day, but by the time you’re heading home you may change your mind. If you’re skin has ever looked like someone covered you with red paint you know just how important sunscreen is.
  • Shade Tent-There’s a good chance that you’ll take a break from being on the lake and you’re going to want a place to relax and get out of the sun. A shade tent is a great way to relax at the lake. There are several manufactures and most shade tents can be purchased at a reasonable price. They set up quickly and easily which means you have more time to enjoy your day.
  • Don’t forget the Snacks- If you are planning on wakeboarding, knee-boarding, tubing, skiing, swimming, or participating in any form of water sports you’re definitely going to want something to eat. Hanging onto a rope while being pulled around the lake all day takes a lot out of you! Some sandwich meat, chips, cookies, and drinks are always a crowd favorite when it comes time to refuel.
  • Plan for Emergencies- If you’re planning on spending an entire day at the lake you should make sure to plan for emergencies. There’s always a chance that your boat or jet skis could break down or run out of gas. It’s a good idea to always have extra gas, flashlights, towlines, and a first-aid kit. You must be cautious of other boaters. Unfortunately there are some reckless boaters whose negligence can result in an accident. So remember to plan for the worst and hope for the best!

With a little planning and preparation you can have an excellent day at the lake. Take advantage of summer and schedule some time for friends and family to spend a day in the sun.

Micah Castro is a freelance writer for JacksonWhite attorneys at law. JacksonWhites Mesa personal injury attorneys are dedicated to getting you the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering.

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