Leaning Tower of Pisa, Rome

Adventure on a Budget with a Camping Holiday in Europe

3 minutes

Money always plays a large role in any holiday decisions. However, it doesn’t have to be a limiting one. For trips to Europe in particular there is a range of low cost options to be had, especially in the form of camping holidays.

The Attraction of Europe

Despite being the second smallest continent in the world, Europe is a land of great historic, cultural and topographical variety, lending it an edge that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Stretching from the balmy Atlantic shores of Portugal in the west to the cobbled streets of Eastern Europe all the way to the snowy Scandinavian lands in the north, distinctly different nations sit nestled side by side.

With all this to be discovered, it is little wonder that millions each year choose to delve in, via city breaks or guided walking holidays in Europe. Unlike many other areas of the world, Europe has a rich, lengthy and fantastically preserved history which can be found everywhere, from the ancient Parthenon in Athens and the Coliseum in Rome to the more recent but equally poignant reminders of the World Wars. In addition, each nation can offer true individuality of character. Whether it is quaint English villages, German beer halls or Italian cuisine, all prove unique lures to the foreign visitor.

A Range of Holiday Choices

As well as offering a range of cultures to enjoy, there are also numerous types of holidays that can be undertaken in Europe. The Alps are renowned worldwide for their skiing facilities and wine lovers can undertake leisurely tours of France’s famous vineyards, sampling top produce and traditional French culture along the way. Meanwhile, party lovers can experience hotspots ranging from Amsterdam to Prague, or even the heady Mediterranean shores of Cyprus and those looking to explore off the beaten track can partake in guided walking holidays in Europe.

Travelling on a Budget

One key component of any holiday is the budget. It is a major decider for many holiday makers as to where to go and what to do, often dictating the itinerary of the whole trip. To the extreme, worries about costs can lead people to even avoid holidays altogether, believing that they will not be able to have a quality vacation without cash to splash.

However, while an undeniable factor in holiday decisions, it does not necessarily need to be a limiting one. Europe in particular is very accessible, with cheap flights to dozens of destinations, a range of accommodation to pick from and sites and attractions that are often free to access. As a result, there really is nothing holding a potential traveller back from picking a place to enjoy on holiday!

Taking the camping option

A fantastic way to combine sightseeing, adventure and budgetary limitations is to choose to camp. A holiday option suitable for everyone, from the single traveller or groups to families with small children, camping is a fun and flexible choice of holiday accommodation. Some may choose to pitch up in one campsite for the duration of their trip, undertaking day trips to surrounding attractions, whilst more active holiday makers may decide instead to pack up and move from day to day, allowing for a wide ranging experience of Europe’s top destinations.

Europe is a fantastic place to explore, both as a whole and in its individual nations. There are so many different holiday options that can be taken that everyone will find one suited to them. Even those on a tight budget have a plethora of options available, from trekking to camping, allowing them to really make the most of their European adventure.

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