Smart Camping At Music Festivals

3 minutes

Festivals are a brilliant way to see loads of bands you love (and some you hate!) and roll with nature for a while as you camp amongst it. Festivals have a way of making everyone let their hair down, and suddenly you can feel quite at liberty to wear an outfit that you wouldn’t be seen dead in on the high street! They certainly bring out people’s inner extroverts, and this is one of the many reasons why festivals are so popular.


Camping at music festivals

A festival can be a disastrous experience if you turn up unprepared. Do yourself a huge favour and get organised well before you leave, so that when you get there you can just concentrate on having a blinding time! Here’s our guide to doing festivals the right way!


Make lists of important camping needs

Before you leave, make a list of everything that you need to take. Put it on your phone so that you can add to it as and when new ideas occur. If it makes it easier, make three separate lists – these should be your headings: Camping Gear, Clothing & Footwear and Food & Drink. Most stuff will fall into one of those categories. Do a massive food and drink shop on your way at a big supermarket so you can stock up on all the basics without paying high festival prices. Oh – and don’t forget your ticket!

Camping Gear

Bring It On

You and your friends will want to camp near to each other, so how about throwing a big gazebo in the back of your car? It’s a great way to create a central point in your camp – people can just roll out of their tents in the morning straight into your gazebo for a communal breakfast. It’ll also be the place people turn up at late at night for a nightcap or two – party central! You’ll be very popular for bringing it along! Throw some camping chairs and a table in too if you have room. Gazebos and temporary pop-up shelters are really easy to get hold of – just look online or in your nearest camping shop. Then it’s just a case of getting your tent, sleeping bag, mattress and other camping equipment together. Don’t forget the torch!


If you’ve been to a festival before, you’ll know how hard it is to stay clean. If showers are provided, there is usually a queue, and they can be quite grubby. This is where the ‘festival shower’ comes into play – in other words, a massive pile of baby wipes! Stock up so that you have always got some to hand. They will help you feel clean while you are there and they’ll definitely come in handy when the loos run out of toilet roll (which will be ALL the time!). Remember your toothpaste and toothbrush and you’ll be sorted!

Planning a trip to a festival takes time but it’s time well spent. When you arrive you can set up camp and get stuck straight into the festival without worrying about what you’ve forgotten. All that remains is to put the silly outfit and fairy wings on and party hard!

Today’s featured writer, Philip Lynn, is passionate about music. He loves to travel around the country and attend music festivals. No matter where he camps for music festivals, he never forgets to carry temporary shelters with him.

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